Tuesday 28 April 2009


Hi everybody!

The year is coming to an end and the next issue of CONTRAST is about to come out-- that means it's time to start thinking about next year! We highly encourage anyway who is interested in taking on a larger role of responsibility and leadership to apply for an exec board position -- any position is open.

Editor-in-Chief: In charge of overseeing and working with all committees, running exec board meetings, dealing with more general aspects of the magazine- such as the vision/direction, main liaison to VSA as well as other ogranizations, oversees printing, timelines, etc.

Editorial Director: Oversees editorial committee; works with writers to brainstorm article ideas; assigns, edits, and reviews articles.

Director of Photography: Oversees photography committee; works closely with the Style Directors; helps create ideas for photo shoots; directs photo shoots; assigns and manages photographers; selects photos, etc.

Style Directors (two positions: Men's, Women's): Work together to oversee Style committee. Help create, direct, and select looks for photo shoots. Work closely with Director of Photography to form a cohesive photo shoot.

Head of Advertising: Creates press packet; researches potential advertising customers and serves as main representative to potential business; brainstorms alternative/creative fundraising options.

Layout Directors: In charge of layout of entire magazine. Also occasionally creates posters for events. Knowledge of Adobe Illustrator essential.

Secretary/Treasurer: Serve as main liaison between Contrast and VSA VP for Finance; handle budget and processing all expenses; take notes at exec board meetings.

Webmaster: In charge of maintaining and managing the website.

If you are interested, please send us -- vassarcontrast(at)gmail.com -- an e-mail by 8pm this coming Sunday (May 3rd) with your name, class year, what position(s) you are applying for (if you are applying for more than one, please list them in order of preference), and a paragraph telling us why you want the position and why you think you would be good at the job. We will then send an e-mail the following week about interviews.

Although it is preferable for candidates to be able to make a full year committment, we are willing to also consider candidates who will be gone for a semester (it helps if you have someone to apply with who would be able to serve the other semester).

We hope everyone will consider applying, you've all been great this semester, and it takes dedicated members to continue making CONTRAST a success.

Many thanks!
Selina, Lucy, and Liza

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